Be able to produce preproduction
materials for
a planned original print
media product.
P1 Learners produce preproduction materials for a planned original print media product
M1 The pre-production materials produced are fit for purpose and generally of a good technical standard
For example:
Planned original print media product could be:
Magazine, newspaper, website, print-based advertisement, film
poster, information pack, posters, billboards etc.
Pre-production material:
• draft articles, draft layouts, mood boards, plan for images
needed, select fonts/graphics/colours
• production schedule – dates timings, activities, location,
personnel, resources.
P2 Learners carry out at least
one relevant recce and risk
assessment for production
stages, recording:
a) the outcome of
b) any potential hazards/
c) their solution for any
identified hazard/risk in
line with health and
safety procedures
Be able to assess locations, risks, and legal/
ethical issues relevant to their print media
product, finding solutions to any risks or issues
Learners conduct recces of suitable indoor or outdoor locations
for production work, for example:
photo shoots, interviews, etc.
Take notes and pictures for the rest of the production team.
Evidence could take the form of written notes, proforma, audio
notes, photographs.
P3 Learners resolve identified
legal or ethical issues for
their planned print media
For example: • copyright, intellectual property rights, slander/libel, royalties, violence, offensive language/behaviour/material, public interest.
Be able to produce
materials for use in an
original print media
P4 Learners produce
competent materials to
be used in their planned
original print media
M2 Production of material
is proficient. The
production techniques
and/or processes are fit
for purpose and used
effectively to create
meaning within the
planned outcome
D1 Materials produced
are generally of a high
technical standard and
quality. Conventions
of the chosen genre
are followed, within
the intentions of
the production. The
production techniques
and/or processes are
used to good effect to
enhance meaning, within
the intentions of the
Be able to edit materials
to produce a final print
media product
P5 Learners carry out postproduction
processes to
produce a competent
final original print media
M3 Editing of the print
media product created
is proficient and the
application of postproduction
is used effectively to
create meaning within
the planned outcome.
The final original media
product produced is
generally of a good
standard and quality
D2 Editing is generally
of a high technical
standard and quality. It
will be generally skilful
with the application
of post-production
additions being utilised
to enhance meaning,
within the intentions
of the production. The
final original print media
product produced is
generally of a high
standard and quality