Wednesday 6 December 2017

What to do... ask the market?

Here are three slides which might help you if you're completely stuck as to what you'd like to do.

It checked a huge amount of job adverts, seeing what they were for and what they expected you to have as qualifications.

You needed...
They were most desperate at the...

They are most desperate for...

Tuesday 7 November 2017

The library

The LRC/Library is an amazing resource.

As well as hundreds of books and films, there are Macs and PCs which allow you to get on with any work that you need to. They have all the software we have in lessons, and can be booked for two hours at a time, in advance (or you can just turn up and find out if one's free in the main room).

Computer Arts magazine is all about furthering your media skills, and how to get a job in the industry - it's in the library.

Opening hours are 8.30-4.30 and 8.30-4 on Friday.

Sunday 3 September 2017


If you're new here, welcome. 

You will find lots of useful information on the blog, such as how to print, new opportunities (jobs, trips, competitions), when the shop is open to buy print credits, and other random bits that might be of interest.

If you have any questions, or want something added (maybe you've released your new film on youTube, or you're playing a local gig), let your teacher know or email simonlongroad[AT] 

Lesson one/induction homework:

 1) Set up a Long Road gmail account in the format (or near enough
2) Create a blogspot blog
3) Do 'new posts' and upload the summer work

Tuesday 31 January 2017