Blogger tutorial

create your own  Media Diploma blog.

This blog has several uses:
  • A way of completing tasks set in class
  • A way of completing and submitting homework
  • A way of taking notes in class, which will eventually lead to
  • A comprehensive and personalised revision guide
  • A portfolio to show to employers
  • And maintaining a blog is a valuable skill with many applications in marketing, journalism and related media industries

Follow these steps to create your own blog

1 - Create a new gmail account

It doesn't matter if you have one already. You need a completely fresh one for Applied Media. 
Make sure to keep this email professional. Try a variation on your name.


2 - Go to and create a hub blog

It is important that you select a "blogger profile" and not a Google+ profile.

3 - Give your blog a professional and memorable name and url. 

It must include the word 'media' and cannot include your full name. You may have to try several before you get an available name. 

This will be your overall HUB blog, where all of your blogs for all of your units will be centralized. Make sure it is titled your name with media and your course eg Lewis120media or similar.

Select Contempo template for your blog.

4 - Create another New blog 

Use the drop down menu where your title of your hub blog is in the top right hand corner, click and choose new blog.

Create a new blog for the first unit we will do

eg. Unit 46

Title the blog as your initials and unit 

The URL should be your first name initial and surname with the unit.

5 - Create Pages on your specific unit blog 

Click on the pages tab on the left hand side of the page

Click on new page.

Title this page P1 and publish (Orange button)

Do this for P1 up to P4 (or more if your teacher advises you to go up to P6)

6 - Layout settings

Now go to your Layout tab on the left hand side and make your pages visible on your blog.

Go to the Layout tab on the left.

In the Page List section click on the pen icon
Click Show Pages

Click on the pencil of the pages gadget to edit it.

Tick on P1 - P5 as well as the visible tick box at the top of the screen.

click save.

7. View unit blog and copy URL 

Go to unit 20 blog - click on View blog (top left)

Copy the URL and go back to your original HUB blog.

Go to Layout - Pages (May have to follow previous step again)

In pages instead of ticking a box, click on +ADD EXTERNAL LINK.

Paste url in link section (bottom section)

Title it Unit 20 (or whichever blog you've been told to make)

Click save.

Check it worked! Go to hub blog and you should see your unit 20 blog.
8. Add a blog post on your hub blog


Write down a few sentences as to what you want to get out of the course and why you chose it
Put an image if you can
Put up your summer work now or as a homework